Giving Tuesday calls for generosity

Pillars of Philanthropy publication highlights area nonprofits


Today is Giving Tuesday, which is a day earmarked for generosity and supporting community causes. At Business Publications Corp., our vision is to be a strong and growing company supporting strong and growing communities. That vision clearly includes support of our nonprofit sector. 

On this Giving Tuesday, we invite you to learn more about area nonprofits and the current needs they are facing in our Pillars of Philanthropy publication. The annual project, produced by the Business Record and dsm Magazine, shares stories of the challenges, issues and people of the nonprofit community, and highlights the nonprofit organizations that support our community. 

The publication contains stories from the Business Record newsroom, features the Association of Fundraising Professionals award winners, and has a special advertising section that lifts up our region’s nonprofit organizations.

Philanthropy and the work of the nonprofit sector are always important, but even more so as the needs of our community rise. The number of Iowans seeking assistance from area nonprofits is far higher now than in usual times due to unemployment and economic instability inflicted by the coronavirus pandemic. Despite these many challenges and changes, area philanthropists and nonprofits have not missed a beat.

Call it determination or call it survival mode, leaders have stepped up to find ways to serve. Pillars of Philanthropy shares these stories. 

The Business Record and dsm Magazine thank you for the work you do to help every member of our community get the resources they need.

See our entire Pillars of Philanthropy website