New Markets Tax Credit to receive five-year, $25B extension


The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2020, passed by the House and Senate and expected to be signed by the president, includes a five-year, $25 billion extension of the New Markets Tax Credit, the largest extension in the 20-year history of the credit, according to the NMTC Coalition, an advocacy group. “This allocation will go far to deliver resources to low-income and marginalized communities, creating jobs, increasing economic opportunity and improving lives at a time when the economic frailty of our underserved communities has never been more apparent,” the organization said. The tax credit was due to expire on Dec. 31. By providing $5 billion annually for 2021-2025, the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2020 exceeds the $17.5 billion authorization included in the PATH Act of 2015. The projected annual impact of $5 billion in New Markets Tax Credits includes an estimated 690 new manufacturing expansions and industrial projects; 275 mixed-use projects combining housing, commercial and social services; 255 new or improved health clinics, hospitals, and medical offices; and 775 investments in day care centers, Boys and Girls Clubs, and other community facilities. It will also generate an estimated 590,000 jobs, the coalition estimates. 

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