NOTEBOOK – ONE GOOD READ: Broken windows, ‘cuddling breaks’ and interrupted video calls: Parents share realities of juggling work while home-schooling kids
KATE HAYDEN Feb 26, 2021 | 8:51 pm
<1 min read time
115 wordsAll Latest News, Arts and Culture, The Insider NotebookThere are lots of pandemic experiences I will always remember, but there are some experiences that I, a non-parent, will never truly understand — such as having a nearly naked toddler show up yelling in my office doorway during a executive team Zoom call, as one parent recounted to Glossy. Here is a short selection of the best, most exasperating remote work moments these parents shared (“Just share your screen, Darren” kills me). If this strikes a chord with you, a parent who needs to collectively vent or share your family’s tension release strategy (dance parties?) with others, send a note to We raise our coffee mugs in honor of you, pandemic parents.