NOTEBOOK: Who’s in the December 7 issue?


Here’s a list of local people in the December 7 issue of the Business Record and the page number of the article in which they are mentioned. Members can read all of this week’s stories at and can access the digital version of the paper by clicking here.

Stephanie Atkin, 18
John Bergman, 10
Elisabeth Buck, 4
Katie Byers, 4
Charles Campbell, 6
Chris Coleman, 10
Frank Cownie, 10
Fred Darbonne, 5
Niki DePhillips, 6
Ryne Doughty, 4
Joe Gatto, 10
Tony Gentle, 6
Laura Graham, 10
Bill Gray, 10
Danielle Hermann, 4
Craig Ibsen, 18
Bill Krause, 6
Kyle Krause, 6
Sharon Krause, 6
Tanner Krause, 6
Joe Lamberson, 22
Cal Lewis, 4
Kalen Ludwig, 4
Josh Mandelbaum, 10
Paul Mankins, 4
Hannah McHale, 6
Megan Milligan, 18
Kent Newman, 10
Kevin Nordmeyer, 10
Renzo Piano, 6
Jeff Russell, 18
Scott Sanders, 10
Linda Westergaard, 10
Mary Wohlford, 18
Geoff Wood, 18
Matt Woods, 4