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NOTEBOOK – ONE GOOD READ: Workers are ‘rage-quitting’ jobs as employers deal with tightening labor market


A new trend is beginning to be seen as the world continues to recover from the coronavirus pandemic: rage quitting. According to this story from Business Insider, more and more people, mostly in low-paying hourly jobs like retail, are fed up with the low pay and working conditions and calling it quits without giving notice. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, hourly workers made up 58.1% of the U.S. workforce in 2019. One person who spoke with Business Insider said low pay, lack of hours and general workplace stress and feeling unappreciated led to her decision to storm out and not return. But one human resources professional says that despite the increase, rage quitting is never in the best interest of a dissatisfied employee. “Why would you give up your known crappy job for an unknown, potentially crappy job?” said Laurie Ruettimann, an expert with a focus on fixing work situations. “There is this tendency — especially when we’ve been sheltering in place for so long — like, ‘I’ve just got to get the hell out of here.’ But that instinct to just flee is always the wrong instinct.”

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