Registration opens tomorrow for first 2019 Ready to Run session
On the heels of the 2018 midterm election, where women made history on ballots across the country, Iowa State University’s Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics will host another session of Ready to Run, a program designed to train women to campaign for elected or appointed political office.
Registration for the first 2019 workshop, planned for Feb. 15, opens tomorrow, Jan 15. Subsequent workshops are planned on March 29 and April 19 in various locations throughout Ames. Registration will open one month prior to each workshop date. All workshops will be held on Fridays with one workshop from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and a second from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.
Each workshop is $25, which includes all materials, lunch and light refreshments. Participants can register for as many workshops as they wish to attend.
The Catt Center has offered the Ready to Run Iowa program every other year since 2007. This nonpartisan program prepares women to run for elected office, serve in appointed office or become more involved in community leadership by teaching them about Iowa politics, fundraising, communicating with voters and working with the media.
On Feb. 15, the Ready to Run workshop will focus on getting involved in Iowa politics and launching a campaign. The March 29 workshop will discuss fundraising and developing your campaign messaging. Strategies for communicating with the media, as well as voters through door-knocking, speeches, on camera and online, will be covered April 19.
To learn more about the program, visit the Catt Center’s website.