Des Moines Renaissance Faire to move to new venue at Adventureland Resort
The Des Moines Renaissance Faire announced that its 2022 event will be held at the Meadow Lands, a new venue on the grounds of Adventureland Resort in Altoona. For the past three years the event has been held west of Saylor Township. The 17th Des Moines Renaissance Faire will be expanded in size and entertainment for May 7-8 and 14-15. Renaissance Faire patrons will have their own entrance on the south side of the new venue, which includes a large parking area. Adventureland Resort will offer free admission to the Des Moines Renaissance Faire through a “Park to Faire” bridge as a perk to its Platinum Season Pass holders for the 2022 season. The Des Moines Renaissance Faire team is also planning a Royal Madrigal Banquet and a regional Renaissance Festival convention at the Adventureland Inn. Plans also include additional family-friendly events and outdoor themed weddings.