Market Wagon enters Central Iowa for online farmers market delivery


Market Wagon LLC, an online farmers market and delivery service, announced it has expanded to the Greater Des Moines area. The startup company, which launched in 2016 in Indianapolis, now operates local food networks in more than 30 metro areas with a focus on helping local farms and artisanal food vendors sell their products locally in a sustainable way. The company is now offering home delivery in a 10-county area in Central Iowa, including Boone, Dallas, Jasper, Madison, Marion, Marshall, Polk, Poweshiek, Story and Warren counties. The service, which is available year-round, allows customers to browse locally grown products on their computer or smartphone throughout the week and place an order from multiple local vendors with one single checkout. Orders are delivered each Thursday afternoon in insulated totes using ice packs as needed to preserve freshness. Market Wagon Central Iowa currently has 14 local vendors offering more than 120 products, with more vendors loading new products every day. “Market Wagon’s mission is to enable food producers to thrive in their local and regional markets,” co-founder Dan Brunner said in a press release. This is Market Wagon’s second launch in Iowa. It also operates an online farmers market for 15 counties in the eastern part of the state and western Illinois.