Downtown architecture tours announced


“Architecture on the Move,” a walking tour of downtown, is returning for the 2020 season, the Iowa Architectural Foundation announced. The tours, sponsored by Kum & Go, provide participants with an opportunity to learn about buildings in downtown Des Moines. 

Tours cover both contemporary and historic architecture. Architect-guides will tell participants about architectural detail, style and elements, and intriguing stories and the historical significance of the buildings that shape the downtown skyline. Four different tour routes are offered:

NORTH: Learn about Des Moines’ more contemporary architecture, including the Catholic Pastoral Center, AEG’s headquarters, Principal’s corporate campus, and the world-famous architects, such as Mies van der Rohe and Helmut Jahn, who have left their marks in the city.

SOUTH: Walk through the historic Court Avenue and Warehouse District and learn about the history of this exciting entertainment and downtown living area. Includes World Food Prize and Polk County Courthouse.

EAST: Stroll through Des Moines’ revitalized East Village. Highlights include background on the City Beautiful Movement and the Riverwalk’s public buildings.

WEST: Learn about some of Des Moines’ older, stately buildings such as the Temple for Performing Arts, the Clemens Building and the Hotel Fort Des Moines, some of our most significant skyscrapers and new developments including Krause Gateway Center, Wellmark, Nationwide and the Des Moines Central Library.

The 90-minute tours, which begin at 5 p.m., are scheduled on July 10, Aug. 14 and Sept. 11. 
Tour groups will be limited to 10. The cost is $20 per person and tickets can be purchased on Eventbrite. The tours will begin at the Iowa Center for Architecture, 400 Locust St.