Immigrant groups seek donations for emergency support fund for families


A new initiative is helping Central Iowa immigrant families through the pandemic, but more than 100 families are still on a waiting list for financial assistance. The Central Iowa Immigrant Emergency Support Fund, launched in April, has provided more than $131,000 to 167 families who do not qualify for government assistance. The fund was set up by American Friends Service Committee Iowa, Al Éxito and Proteus Inc. to assist community members facing significant challenges due to loss of income, illness or other COVID-19 related impacts. The assistance has covered basic needs including rent, mortgages, utilities, transportation and medicine for individuals and their families during the last few months. An initial grant from the Greater Des Moines Community Foundation under the Disaster Recovery Fund, along with donations from Mid-Iowa Health Foundation, Polk County, La Q Buena Radio and others, allowed CIIESF to open on April 27. To donate, go to the Proteus website and select the Central Iowa Immigrant Support Fund as the donation option.