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NOTEBOOK – One Good Read: Coworking heaven? Belize


There have been times when our writers have asked for permission to find a quiet corner at home or perhaps at Java Joes to write stories. But I doubt Publisher and Executive Editor Chris Conetzkey is going to buy my next request: a trip to a coworking space in Belize. Fast Company reports that everyone thinks their coworking space offers the best of everything, but  Belize may have topped them all with a palm-lined, over-the-water, fully equipped bungalow on Tobacco Caye 10 miles off the mainland of the Central American nation. The place has standing desks, a wellness center, executive parking, a VIP boardroom, Wi-Fi and one heck of a view. I’ve been to Belize a few times, and I can’t imagine what could make it easier to clear my brain for a writing spree. And get this: They are giving away access to the right people. So if you are interested, send an email by April 9 to belizesure@gmail.com and tell them why you are the perfect candidate — but not before I have chance to check with Chris.

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