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NOTEBOOK – ONE GOOD READ: Local business turns complaints into conversation piece


“Last month, a sign appeared in front of La Carreta, a Mexican restaurant in Marshalltown. It read Black Lives Matter, No human is illegal and other human rights phrases. Alfonso Medina owns and works at the restaurant. He’s the one who decided to put it up,” Iowa Public Radio reports. “Since then, Medina received letters from people who said they were offended by the sign. He got another one [earlier this week]. He posted the letter on Facebook and hundreds of community members commented with their support. Medina said it turns out the letters brought the community together. ‘I decided to share it to just show people how you can take something negative, always in life, and turn it into a positive,’ Medina said.” Ironically, last month Medina wrote a piece for us about the role businesses play in eradicating racism, and it seems he’s done exactly what he said he would do: “I will continue to stand up for any community group who has felt or continues to feel oppression in any way, shape or form. One day it could be for me, one day it could be for you.”