Survey: Iowa drug Take Back collections net over 19 tons in 2018


Iowans are pitching in more than ever to help prevent prescription drug misuse and environmental contamination by properly disposing of their unused medicine. A new survey by the Governor’s Office of Drug Control Policy and data from the Iowa Board of Pharmacy found year-round prescription drug Take Back collections at local law enforcement centers and community pharmacies, when combined with the two special DEA-sponsored one-day events, netted more than 19 tons of leftover medication during all of 2018. “The fact that Iowans ‘took back’ enough unused medicine to equal over 16 years of garbage waste from a single household last year is impressive when you consider most products come in small pills or packages,” said Dale Woolery, director of the drug control policy office. The participation rate by Iowa residents in one-day Take Back events is 28 percent above the national average. The next DEA Take Back Day is scheduled April 27. For more information on Take Back sites, click here.