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Survey reveals small business benefits trends for 2019


With a continued swell of employment opportunities available to them this year, job candidates may be seeking multiple employment offers. Consequently, it’s more important than ever that businesses offer competitive compensation packages with benefits that stand out.  

According to a recent survey by Clutch, a customer data and marketing platform, approximately one-third of job seekers (32%) begin a job search to find better pay and benefits, indicating the importance of fair and well-structured compensation and perks.

Clutch surveyed 529 small business owners and managers in the U.S. to understand their benefits plans for 2019. The survey asked whether small businesses offer benefits, which benefits they offer now, and their plans for future benefits. It defines small businesses as having between one and 500 employees, which corresponds to the Small Business Administration’s definition of small business. 

According to the survey, nearly half of small businesses (47%) currently offer benefits. Unsurprisingly, small businesses with 11 employees or more are most likely to provide benefits. More than three-quarters of companies with more than 50 employees (76%) provide benefits.

Small businesses most commonly provide health benefits (69%), 401(k) and retirement plans (52%), family leave (48%), and paid time off (45%).

Nearly one-third (30%) of small businesses that plan to offer new benefits in 2019 are doing so to fulfill employee requests, indicating that small businesses view benefits as a method of attracting and retaining top talent.