More than $16 million in state funding to fuel Future Ready Iowa programs
BPC Staff Jun 5, 2019 | 7:28 pm
1 min read time
177 wordsAll Latest News, Education, Government Policy and LawLegislation signed this week by Gov. Kim Reynolds makes more than $16 million in new funding available for programs that are part of the Future Ready Iowa Act. The largest piece of the funding, $13 million, will go to the Last-Dollar Scholarship program, which will provide scholarships to help more Iowans achieve education or training beyond high school leading to high-demand jobs by helping pay tuition for designated programs of study up to two-year degrees. The $1 million Future Ready Iowa Grant program will provide stipends to Iowans who left college after earning at least half the credits toward a four-year degree in a high-demand field, and who return to complete a degree. The grant program will provide a minimum of $1,000 per student for tuition support. Additionally, the $1.2 million Employer Innovation Fund is a grant opportunity for employers and other partners to collaborate and carry out initiatives to address local workforce issues. A state matching grant is available to qualifying applicants. For more information on the Future Ready Iowa website about these programs, click here.