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Farm Bureau: ‘Trade over aid’


As details rolled out about President Donald Trump’s latest aid package for tariff-battered farmers, Iowa Farm Bureau President Craig Hill said the damage-lessening payments aren’t the ultimate goal. “Iowa farmers appreciate President Trump’s concern for farm families struggling through these challenging economic times and are hopeful the $16 billion agricultural trade assistance package announced [Thursday] will help mitigate the financial effects the trade war has had on farmers and agriculture,” Hill wrote. “… While another round of financial assistance may help keep some farms in operation, our members continue to make one thing very clear — they prefer trade over aid. As the cost of running our farms continues to rise, with low commodity prices and lack of market access, farmers need access to global markets for their products, and securing trade deals will have a much larger and long-term on-farm impact than temporary aid.” Hill urged Congress to approve new trade deals. 

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