NOTEBOOK – One Good Read: Smart diapers for new-parents-to-be

I’m about three months away from being a first-time dad. So naturally my reading habits have turned to looking for anything that could help make raising a baby go as easily as possible. Including diaper changes. Here’s a story from Fast Company that looks at how the growing wearable tech field is starting to work its way into the baby market. In particular, the magazine highlights Lumi by Pampers, a special video and sensor combo system with activity sensors you can attach to special diapers so you can “track your baby’s wet diapers (but not its poops) and sleep patterns, automatically sending that information to the Lumi app on your phone.” Sounded intriguing, until I was promptly reminded by the experienced fathers in the newsroom that a parent’s nose is the only app I’ll need. Can’t wait. In the meantime, I’ll keep rooting for the yet to be created invention that will render diaper changes obsolete. Forget the Hyperloop, where’s Elon Musk when you need him for a real problem?