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Report: Authenticity, adaptability key to women’s C-suite success


Eighty percent of women say they think they adapt better to stress than their male colleagues, yet more than half say they changed their leadership style to get promoted, according to a new report. 

According to “Advancing the Future of Women in Business,” a report by the KPMG Women’s Leadership Summit, 58% of women said they adapted their leadership style so as not to appear too bossy or demanding, and to also avoid being characterized as “not aggressive enough or collaborative enough.”

However, nearly half of executive women — 49% — said they relate most to an authentic leadership style but struggle to determine when their authenticity is too much, Tech Republic reported. About 58% of women said they believe a transformational leadership style is what it takes to reach the C-suite.

The report offers three keys to success for women to gain an executive position, encouraging them to blend an adaptable leadership style with authenticity. It also encouraged women to develop their leadership style by seeking out new learning opportunities. 

The report surveyed 550 executive women about their experiences as high-level employees in a male-dominated workforce.