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Meals from the Heartland calls for volunteers for 12th Annual Hunger Fight


As Iowa families prepare their children for the next school year, far too many Iowa children will start each school day without breakfast and go to bed with a hungry stomach. One in six Iowa children struggles from hunger. Leadership from Meals from the Heartland is calling for thousands of volunteers to package meals for starving children and their families in Iowa, the U.S. and around the world at the 12th Annual Hunger Fight, Aug. 28-31, at Hy-Vee Hall in Des Moines. Susan Bunz, executive director of Meals from the Heartland, said: “Gather your friends and family, or your school, church or work group, and come down to Hy-Vee Hall to enjoy some camaraderie for two hours. A team of 10 can feed 10 children for one year.” Meals from the Heartland also needs donations for packaging materials and food items for the Hunger Fight. For more information and to volunteer, click here. To read a Business Record Insider article about Susan Bunz and Meals from the Heartland, click here.

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