Sept. 17: Future Ready Iowa Employer Summit 2019
BPC Staff Sep 6, 2019 | 3:35 pm
1 min read time
182 wordsAll Latest News, Business Community Events, Economic DevelopmentHost: Iowa Business Council, Iowa Association of Business and Industry and Iowa Workforce Development
About: Employer leadership is critical to the success of Future Ready Iowa and ensuring we meet our goal of 70% of Iowans in the workforce having postsecondary training or education by 2025. A partnership led by the Iowa Business Council, the Iowa Association of Business and Industry, and Iowa Workforce Development is hosting more than two dozen Future Ready Iowa Employer Summits across the state this fall.
These regional Future Ready Iowa Employer Summits offer an opportunity for employers to leverage Future Ready Iowa to increase their skilled workforce. Summits will include information about innovative approaches employers are using to upskill their current workforce and recruit new workers, such as expanding Registered Apprenticeship Programs and developing more work-based learning partnerships with K-12 schools.
Summits will last about two hours and will include presentations about hiring and retaining underrepresented populations, enhancing high school to workforce pipelines, collaborating with community partners, and financial resources to support these efforts.
When: 7-9:30 a.m.
Where: Accumold, 1711 Southeast Oralabor Road, Ankeny
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