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Report: Female truck drivers reached all-time high of 7.8% of industry in 2020


The U.S. trucking industry moved 10.23 billion tons of freight in 2020, generating $732.3 billion in revenue, according to the latest edition of American Trucking Associations’ “American Trucking Trends 2021,” released last week. Trucking volume was down from 11.84 billion tons moved in 2019. Trucking employed 7.65 million people in industry-related jobs, including 3.36 million professional truck drivers. In 2020, women made up 7.8% of the nation’s drivers – an all-time high – and minorities accounted for 42.3% of truck drivers. Trucking remains a small business industry: 91.5% of fleets operate six or fewer trucks, and 97.4% operate fewer than 20 trucks. The ATA American Trucking Trends report is available for purchase at www.atabusinesssolutions.com.

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