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NOTEBOOK – ONE GOOD READ: Birds aren’t real, or are they? Inside a Gen Z conspiracy theory.


Get ready to think – because this good read is about a real-life reverse Uno card. This piece from the New York Times looks at the Birds Aren’t Real movement, which is a Gen Z-fueled conspiracy theory that birds don’t exist and are really drone replicas installed by the U.S. government to spy on Americans. Now here’s where the reverse Uno card comes in: The organizers know how absurd that is because they do it as parody. Why? Because coming of age in a digital world, they know firsthand how bad misinformation can be and they wanted to make fun of some of the absurdity that’s out on the interwebs. Cameron Kasky, 21, an activist from Parkland, Fla., who helped organize the March for Our Lives student protest against gun violence in 2018 and is involved in Birds Aren’t Real, said the parody “makes you stop for a second and laugh. In a uniquely bleak time to come of age, it doesn’t hurt to have something to laugh about together.”