NOTEBOOK – ONE GOOD READ: What science can teach us about being happier
BPC Staff Dec 30, 2021 | 4:20 pm
<1 min read time
114 wordsAll Latest News, Business Record Insider, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, The Insider NotebookHere’s some food for thought as we all get ready to flip the calendar to a new year and consider our New Year’s resolutions. As Inc. magazine’s contributing editor Jeff Haden writes: “Technological advances have not freed up the average person’s time. Neither have broader economic advances. Nor has increased wealth. In fact, some studies show that the more money people make, the less time they think they have.” However, Haden writes that while money can’t buy happiness, you can in fact “buy some time” — which some other studies found could indeed make you happier. For more on how that works and how to do it right, here’s a two-minute primer from Inc.