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New federal legislation mandates plan for battling meth


A bill to address the rising use of methamphetamine, introduced by Sens. Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Dianne Feinstein of California, was signed into law on Monday by President Joe Biden, KCRG reported. Under the law, the Office of National Drug Control Policy will have 90 days to implement a plan to assess the drug’s threat, and come up with prevention, treatment and law enforcement programs. The ONDCP will also have goals of supply and demand reduction, and will be required to update its plan annually. In a news release, Grassley said the law will help law enforcement better respond to challenges presented by drug traffickers’ evolving tactics. Grassley currently serves as co-chair of the Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control. In July 2021, Grassley and Feinstein published a joint op-ed discussing bipartisan strategies to address rising drug abuse and overdoses.