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Labor Department launches Mental Health at Work awareness campaign


The U.S. Department of Labor has launched a new public education campaign on the importance of mental health-friendly workplaces. The agency announced the initiative this week during the Society for Human Resource Management’s Workplace Policy Conference in Washington, D.C. At the heart of the “Mental Health at Work: What Can I Do?” campaign is a public service announcement that highlights how everyone in a workplace setting – whether CEO, manager, co-worker, or an employee who voluntarily identifies as having a mental health condition – can promote workplace well-being. These roles can range from setting the tone for an inclusive workplace to providing and requesting assistance and accommodations, and to being a source of support to peers and colleagues. “Today, 1 in 5 working-age Americans has a mental health condition,” said U.S. Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh. ”As America recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic, mental health-friendly workplaces will be more important than ever.” The PSA video, which will be distributed to television and radio stations nationally, can be downloaded online, with companion materials including posters, behind-the-scenes video interviews, workplace mental health resources and tips for using the PSA in the workplace.