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NOTEBOOK – ONE GOOD READ: This is what new grads want from the job market


It’s the time of year for graduation ceremonies, celebrations and, for the graduates, job searches. Given the need employers have for workers, as this Wall Street Journal video explains, those in the class of 2022 have myriad options open to them, which could make their decision easier in some ways but harder in others. New graduates can take their time deciding if the job, or jobs, they’ve been offered will meet their needs. Salary is a top priority, according to the video, and it’s pushing starting salaries for new hires as high as $100,000. But there is also a focus on finding a fit with culture as well as work. Yale graduate Eugene Young said he looked for a workplace that valued his well-being as well as his skills. Young interned with John Deere and recently took an engineering position in Iowa with the company. Watch the full five-minute video for more.

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