NOTEBOOK – ONE GOOD READ: Black women will get no-strings-attached monthly checks in this new guaranteed income experiment


In Georgia, Black women make 63 cents for every dollar white men make. And nearly half of the remaining Black households in the neighborhood live on less than $25,000 a year, Adele Peters reports for Fast CompanyThe Georgia Resilience and Opportunity Fund and nonprofit GiveDirectly are partnering on a guaranteed income experiment in Atlanta’s Old Fourth Ward neighborhood, which is the largest guaranteed income effort to focus on Black women. “We know this story of the Old Fourth Ward, and the trends that are happening, are not just indicative of this neighborhood, but what’s happening across the country,” said Hope Wollensack, executive director of the GRO Fund. The pilot launches later this year and will enroll 650 women to test two models — half of the group will receive $850 a month for two years and the other half will receive an upfront payment of $4,300 followed by $700 monthly payments. Peters writes that the program plans to expand to suburban and rural parts of Georgia and could inform policy that supports the case for a federal guaranteed income program or lead Georgia to a state earned income tax credit program.