State transportation commission awards $1.5M to 4 public transit projects
The Iowa Transportation Commission approved grants for four public transit projects across the state during its meeting this week. The commission voted to award $1.5 million in grants from the Public Transit Infrastructure Grant Program during its meeting on Tuesday. Under the program, a transit system can apply for a grant to fund up to 80% of the cost of a project. To qualify, a transit system must secure local funding of up to 20% of the project costs. The four projects that were approved for funding are:
- $238,434 to Siouxland Regional Transit System in Sioux City for a new automated bus wash.
- $581,566 to CyRide in Ames to rehabilitate a shop area in the maintenance facility.
- $200,000 to the North Iowa Area Council of Governments in Mason City for the replacement of insulation and vapor barrier for transit facility storage and maintenance area.
- $480,000 to the Southeast Iowa Regional Planning Commission in Mount Pleasant for the first phase of a project to renovate its existing facility.