Drake University launches initiative celebrating 50 years of Title IX


The athletics department at Drake University announced its launching an effort to celebrate Title IX and its nine women’s athletics programs. The two-year initiative, called “Elevate the IX Era” is meant to reflect on the history of Title IX, celebrate the women who have championed progress and discuss what’s left to be done, Drake University President Marty Martin said. The Elevate the IX Era will include educational discussions and events to celebrate milestones, pioneers and moments throughout the history of Drake women’s athletics, according to a release. A fundraising component for the women’s programs will also accompany the initiative. “Drake has a rich history of women’s athletics that deserves to be celebrated,” Drake University Director of Athletics Brian Hardin said. “The Elevate the IX Era will be a time to remember what we’ve accomplished and also a time to discuss what can be done to position our nine women’s sports teams for success into the future.” The initiative begins today, the 50-year anniversary of Title IX, and will conclude in November 2024, which marks the 50th anniversary of women’s athletics at Drake. More details about the initiative will be announced at a later date.