Registration open for Oct. 5 Healthiest State Annual Walk


Registration for the Healthiest State 12th Annual Walk, presented by Delta Dental of Iowa, is now open. On Oct. 5, thousands of Iowans across the state will participate in organized walks at schools, workplaces and in their cities. The 2022 theme of “Walk More. Connect More.” highlights both the physical benefits of walking and the social benefits of staying connected to your friends, family and community. “Staying physically active is key in maintaining our physical and mental health,” said Jami Haberl, executive director for the Healthiest State Initiative. “Taking the first step towards being healthy, active, and connected through the Annual Walk can help Iowans across the state live healthier lives.” Those who register for the Healthiest State 12th Annual Walk will have access to resources such as communications templates, social media guides, customizable posters and a month-long walking calendar. Visit to sign up as an individual, school, workplace or organization to walk for 30 minutes anytime on Oct. 5.