
Rendering of the parking garage at 555 E. Fourth St. in the East Village. Architectural rendering by Hartman|Trapp Architecture Studio

WHAT: Public/private parking garage 

WHERE: 555 E. Fourth St.

BACKGROUND AND UPDATE: Construction of a public-private parking garage in the East Village is complete. The garage, which cost $12 million to develop, includes 

402 parking stalls.

The garage, developed and constructed by Nelson Construction & Development, was built on a lot that was originally surface parking (pictured).

Nelson Construction owns two buildings at Grand Avenue and East Fourth Street – 333 E. Grand Ave. in which Zombie Burger is located and 430 E. Grand Ave. Nelson also plans on building a five-story building at 418 E. Grand Ave. that will include apartments, retail and commercial space. Construction on the site is expected to begin this spring.

Alexander Grgurich, Nelson’s director of development and chief operating officer, said he and others had been hearing complaints from retailers, residents and visitors about the difficulty in finding parking in the East Village.

Nelson Construction acquired the surface parking lot that Grgurich said would also help with development plans of the new building at 418 E. Grand Ave.

“We had this idea to do a three-story parking garage where none of the floors connect,” Grgurich said. Vehicles enter and exit the first floor from East Fourth Street; the second level is entered and exited from Des Moines Street; and the third level is entered and exited from East Fifth Street.

“Lo and behold, it actually worked,” Grgurich said.

The first floor is available for public parking; the second level will be for residents and tenants in the new building; and third level is for people who lease space in other lease properties.

OTHERS INVOLVED IN PROJECT: Hartman|Trapp Architecture Studio, Genus landscape architect and Snyder & Associates

RELATED STORY: To read more about Nelson Construction & Development’s project at 418 E. Grand Ave., click here.

– By Kathy A. Bolten

A Commercial Real Estate Weekly feature in which we update the status of projects underway in the Greater Des Moines area. Want to include an update about your project or suggest a project to include? Email: