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New venture aims to connect developers with investors


Jackie Johansen, who often describers herself as a connector, has quietly started a new venture that connects developers in need of equity for projects and investors who have money they want to invest in projects.

Shattered Glass Equity connects developers with investors through a private website where each party can learn about the other, said Johansen (pictured), who for nearly 20 years has had a wide range of roles in commercial real estate.

“There’s certainly a lot of developers and brokers across the country that have relationships, whether they be friends or family, that get together and put equity into commercial real estate deals,” she said. “I wanted to build a platform that went broader than friends and family but didn’t require me to be an investment banker.”

The venture, which took more than eight months to put together,  launched this spring.

Developers, who will be vetted, provide overviews of their proposed projects that can be viewed on a secure website. Investors, once also will be vetted, will have the ability to peruse investment opportunities. If an investor finds a projects they want to know more about,  “Shattered Glass Equity connects the developer directly with the investor,” said Johansen, principal of Shattered Glass Development.

“We’re not an investment bank. We’re not advising,” she said. “We’re putting together a process and a platform to connect investors and developers.”

If an investor wants to move forward, Shattered Glass Equity provides the legal documents necessary for investing in commercial real estate. The investment dollars are placed in a trust account and then transferred to the developer.

The concept is one that will be of interest to local developers, said Larry James, Jr., a Des Moines-based real estate attorney. “Most local developers, seek private investment when they’re putting the deal together. Some of them have more connections than others to people who are able to do those types of developments.”

Shattered Glass Equity will likely be able to wide then pool of investors, he said. “Every project needs investors.”

Shattered Glass Equity charges a flat fee to developers to put their projects in front of investors. Johansen emphasized no commission-based fees are charged.

While Shattered Glass Equity is located in the Des Moines-area, investors and developers will likely be from around the Midwest and elsewhere in the country, Johansen said.

To learn more about Shattered Glass Equity, click here.

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