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Renewable tax credits users to transition to GovConnectIowa portal


Iowa taxpayers who claim renewable energy tax credits will soon be using a new secure online portal to conduct transactions. The Iowa Utilities Board is joining the Iowa Department of Revenue and other state agencies in adding functionality to GovConnectIowa. The rollout of the second phase of GovConnectIowa is scheduled to go live in November, and will replace the Tax Credit Award, Claim and Transfer Administrative System (CACTAS) that’s currently used for renewable energy credits. The rollout is part of a multiyear effort to simplify tax processes for taxpayers doing business in Iowa and will include, among other functions, the ability to apply for tax credits and manage tax credit certifications for businesses. The IUB is one of seven additional state agencies preparing to add functionality to the portal. Tax applicants currently accessing CACTAS will receive detailed information on what will need to occur prior to the cutover from CACTAS to GovConnectIowa.