Pedestrian bridge over Beaver Creek reopens
BPC Staff Sep 16, 2022 | 7:54 pm
1 min read time
157 wordsAll Latest News, Arts and Culture, TransportationIn 2019, the pedestrian bridge over Beaver Creek collapsed after being heavily damaged by high waters and ice jams. A new bridge, which cost $2 million to construct, opened this week. The bridge, which is part of the Trestle to Trestle trail, is lit at night. Photos courtesy of Polk County and Greg Ramm
The Trestle to Trestle Trail pedestrian bridge, which links the cities of Johnston and Des Moines, has reopened. The section of trail had been closed since spring 2019 when the previous bridge collapsed under the weight of ice jams and high water in Beaver Creek. Construction of the new bridge began last February and was recently completed. A grand opening celebration was held this week. Construction of the new bridge, which is lit at night, cost $2 million. Financial support for the project was provided by Polk County, City of Johnston, City of Des Moines, Metropolitan Planning Organization and State of Iowa.