Gov. Reynolds appoints Stiffler as executive director of the Iowa Civil Rights Commission


Gov. Kim Reynolds has announced the appointment of Kristen Stiffler as the executive director of the Iowa Civil Rights Commission.

Stiffler, a Clive resident, will assume her new position on April 24. She was a former Republican Iowa House candidate. She also was the former hearing officer for the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services and legal counsel to the Health and Human Services Committee in the Nebraska Legislature.

The Iowa Civil Rights Commission is tasked with enforcing state and federal laws that prohibit discrimination in various areas, including employment, public accommodations, housing, education and credit. In addition, the commission provides conflict resolution services and education to the public to prevent discrimination.

Stiffler’s appointment is subject to confirmation by the Senate. 

The former executive director, Stan Thomson, was hired to be the deputy attorney general for civil litigation in the Iowa Attorney General’s Office. State records show his annual salary was more than $97,000, the Cedar Rapids Gazette reported.