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ABI watches Legislature pass second funnel


This week marked the second “funnel” at the Iowa Legislature as lawmakers continued to whittle down the list of bills considered alive for further action. Remember, appropriations bills are funnel-proof, and legislative leaders have broad power to keep bills alive.


Generally, a bill must pass one of the legislative chambers and a committee in the other chamber to remain alive through the second funnel.


The Iowa Association of Business and Industry compiled its own funnel “dead or alive” list. One of ABI’s top priorities, the elimination of sales or use taxes for replacement parts or consumable supplies used in manufacturing, is among the bills that are still alive. That is House Study Bill 174.


Here’s ABI’s take on some other bills:



HF 576 – Grants for broadband expansion, from federal sources

SF 344 – Tax credit for companies that have apprenticeship programs

SF 488 – Additional funding for state air quality bureau

HF 556 – Cell tower siting



SF 270 – Wage payment collection

SF 269 – Increase in minimum wage

SF 437 – Mandates employers provide time off to attend presidential caucuses

SF 460 – Increases regulations for entities that pay employees via pay card

HF 394 – Regulation of transportation network companies

HF 194 – Statute of repose repeal


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