We have lots of places to stuff our stuff


There are more self-storage facilities in the United States than there are McDonald’s, Subway and Jack in the Box restaurants combined, according to two real estate publications. The self-storage industry is a lucrative one, too. The Self Storage Association reports that these facilities generated more than $24 billion in revenue in the United States in 2014, stacking up as the fastest-growing segment of the commercial real estate industry during the last 40 years, REJournals.com reported. The industry pays more than $3.25 billion each year in local and state property taxes, according to the association. There are 48,500 storage facilities in the country, according to the association, compared with 14,350 McDonald’s restaurants. Over at SpareFoot, which leases storage facilities and blogs about them, too, there will be 52,915 facilities operating this year, adding up to more than the total number of McDonald’s and Subway restaurants and Starbucks coffee shops.