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Branstad signs broadband bill


Gov. Terry Branstad on Monday signed the Connect Every Acre high-speed broadband bill into law. The bill, House File 655, encourages the expansion of high-speed broadband Internet to all corners of the state, which will foster growth for modern agriculture, increase access for rural communities and school districts, and connect small businesses to the global marketplace, the governor’s office said in a release. The bill passed the Senate by a vote of 48-2 and the House by 82-12 on June 4. Broadband connectivity gaps were identified by a Battelle study that found approximately 13,000 businesses, or 31 percent of businesses surveyed, want higher broadband speed but cannot get it in their current location. The legislation establishes a grant program for installation of broadband infrastructure in targeted service areas; creates uniform rules and limitations for wireless communications facilities and infrastructure pertaining to cell towers; and tasks the office of the chief information officer to lead and coordinate the installation of fiber-optic conduit where it doesn’t currently exist.

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