Iowa Tuition Grant maximum increases by 16 percent


Iowa families looking for ways to help pay for their students’ college costs will get a significant boost this coming academic year in a key financial aid program, the Iowa Tuition Grant. The ITG maximum grant has been raised to $5,300, an increase of 16 percent over last year, the Iowa College Student Aid Commission announced. To qualify, a student must be an Iowa resident, must attend an Iowa private, nonprofit college or university, and must have financial need as demonstrated by U.S. Department of Education standards. The grant is provided directly to the student, not the institution, and must be matched by the institution. Iowa private, nonprofit colleges and universities collectively provide almost $450 million in institutional financial aid. High school students are encouraged to find out more about the Iowa Tuition Grant program during Iowa Private College Week, Aug. 3-7. To register for visits or for more information, click here.