IWLC’s Invest in She seeking investors for Des Moines event

Invest in She – Des Moines, a live pitch event designed for female entrepreneurs and sponsored by Iowa Women Lead Change, has announced its first three investors and is seeking more investors to participate in the event. Leading the way is Connie Wimer, owner and chairman of Business Publications Corp. Lift IOWA is a specialty product of Business Publications Corp. Joining Wimer is Dr. Donna Grant, owner of Norwalk Family Dentistry, and Camille Urban of BrownWinick Law Firm. This year’s Invest in She investors have committed to investing $5,000 each. Individuals interested in becoming an investor may contact InvestinSheDSM@gmail.com. The event will be held Sept. 10 at Sticks Inc. Learn more about Invest in She – Des Moines. 

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