Event Sept. 18-20: Homeless Stand-Down


Polk County Veteran Affairs will be participating in the Homeless Stand-Down the weekend of Sept. 18 on the east side of the Capitol grounds. The event is open to all those who are homeless or anyone at risk of being homeless. Sleeping tents for men and women will be provided throughout the weekend; in addition, other essential services will be provided by Polk County Veteran Affairs, Veterans Administration Medical Center, the Homeless Veteran Stand-Down Committee, Veterans Benefits Administration, state of Iowa, United Way, local churches and service organizations. “The Homeless Stand-Down is an important event for our community. It provides a way for us to bring to the forefront the issues of homelessness while providing needed services to those who are homeless or are at risk of becoming homeless,” said Polk County Veteran Affairs Board Chair Mike Scione. For additional information, click here.