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Wellmark Foundation awards Community Kickstarter wellness grants


A group of first-year students at Drake University has received a $10,000 grant to implement a plan that will make the campus more bicycle-friendly. The project is one of 32 Community Kickstarter grant recipients from the Wellmark Foundation, which on Monday awarded grants totaling more than $298,000 to community projects statewide. The projects were chosen from more than 130 entries based on the criteria of promoting more active communities or access to healthier foods. More than 57,000 votes from the public for individual projects were received as part of the selection process. Drake’s “I Want to Ride My Bicycle: Cycling and Social Change” class project will allow for students, faculty and staff to rent bicycles and safety equipment on campus, increase the security of personally owned bicycles and offer online training courses in bike safety for cyclists and motorists.

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