Guest Opinion: One year as a business owner — what I’ve learned so far

BY AMY NEBONS | Owner/Founder, Blink Events LLC

Well, I’ve reached the one-year mark of business ownership, and I can tell you it’s been a challenging yet fulfilling year. I was tested in almost every way a person can be tested. I was forced to confront myself head-on, evaluating my strengths and weaknesses. I have experienced success and failure.  

But most important, I grew.  

I entered 2015 a timid girl traversing the unknown and emerged out the other side a strong, confident and capable individual with the belief that I can do anything if I truly put my heart and soul into it.
As I reflect on the year we are about to close, here are a few things I have learned on my journey:
Perseverance is the strongest trait you can bring to the table

The road of a new entrepreneur is a roller coaster. The highs are empowering and the lows can be destructive, if you let them be. The key is to hold on to the empowered you when the destructive days rear their ugly heads. Channel positive thoughts with all your might.
Sometimes that means reviewing your resume of wins or doing something that brings you joy. Sometimes the only way out of doom and gloom is to allow yourself one solid day to live in it, vowing you will come out the other side rejuvenated and ready to take that storm head-on. If you vow not to quit and push through, you will emerge with a new perspective and a clearer vision on the other side.
Boldness and creativity sets you apart from others

Often when I am at a low point, I go back to the drawing board and re-evaluate. I always keep a running list of “big ideas” in my notebook. When I feel I’ve hit a roadblock, this list provides some insight into what my real purpose is and reminds me of my long-term vision.  

The key here is to think outside the box and demonstrate your worth in varied ways. As a new business owner, you are constantly trying to prove yourself to your audience. Executing two or three well-done campaigns focused on gaining the attention of your desired customers will not go unnoticed. Be brave, be bold and do whatever you do with clear purpose.  
Chaos is a part of the journey

Einstein said it best: “If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?”  

As a team of one, the need to wear different hats will result in a cluttered desk. You have to learn to be OK with the clutter. It is easy to get bogged down in ideas, to-do lists and paperwork. There is always something that can be done to push your business forward, but organized chaos is the name of the game. The goal each day is to prioritize the heck out of each to-do list, focusing only on those things that truly align with your end vision. I remind myself I am on the right track. Great things are happening in that mess.

Never discount the power of taking a break

I cannot reiterate enough the importance of the human body’s need to take a break every once in a while. Regaining balance in your life is what allows us to persevere. Allow yourself time to rest and refuel your tank. This is the perfect time to pick up an inspiring book, meet with a willing mentor or simply go for a walk. Take a break to re-evaluate why you entered this venture and be patient with yourself as you get back on track.

As we approach the holidays, I can’t help but feel total gratitude for the blessings I received this past year, both good and bad. I have grown in ways I have never imagined, and I eagerly await what is in store for the new year. I urge each of you to take a moment to pause and review the year we are about to leave behind.

Amy Nebons, originally from the East Coast, moved to Iowa in 2012 with her husband and two mini-schnauzers and now is a mother to a baby girl. She received a bachelor’s degree in theater production from Providence College in Rhode Island and a master’s degree in interior design from Boston Architectural College in Massachusetts. She currently owns event management company Blink Events LLC, based in Des Moines.
Connect with Nebons on LinkedIn or by phone at 617-840-5073. She also can be reached by email. Learn more about her company at