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More people means more state funds for West Des Moines

West Des Moines should gain $3 million in state road use funds between 2016 and 2020 after a special census determined that the city has experienced a 12 percent spike in population since 2010, according to a report to the City Council. The special census provides population numbers that can help communities obtain additional state and federal funds for things such as road repairs. In 2010, the West Des Moines head count was 56,609. On July 3, the population was 63,541. According to the report, the city will gain an additional $4.2 million in road tax revenues over the five-year period. The city arrived at the $3 million figure after deducting the $1.1 million cost to conduct the special census. The special census found that nearly 20 percent of the city’s population is aged 25 to 34. Among other things, the special census determined that 40,096 people live in owner-occupied residences, while 22,906 people live in apartments and other rented properties.

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