Transgender men confirm all your worst fears about sexism
BPC Staff May 23, 2016 | 1:00 pm
1 min read time
141 wordsAll Latest News, Lift IOWA, Women’s and Gender IssuesTime: Over the last three years, transgender awareness has exploded. But the spotlight on trans issues has mostly been focused on transgender women, and transgender men have been largely left out of the narrative. Our cultural obsession with feminine beauty contributes to the imbalance, Time writes, yet experiences of trans men can provide a unique window into how gender functions in American society. Over and over again, men who were raised and socialized as female described all the ways they were treated differently as soon as the world perceived them as male. They gained professional respect, but lost intimacy. They exuded authority, but caused fear. From courtrooms to playgrounds to prisons to train stations, at work and at home, with friends and alone, trans men reiterated how fundamentally different it is to experience the world as a man. Read more