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NOTEBOOK: Mike Helak the paperboy


While perusing the latest list of nominations for our upcoming Photo Issue in which we photographically feature business leaders doing their hobbies, I came across a suggestion for U.S. Bank Regional President Mike Helak. Apparently he’s a big fly fisherman. But it jogged my memory as well about a fun exchange I had with Mike after meeting with him for coffee. Turns out, newspapering is in his blood. The first dollar he ever made was as a paperboy. He and his brother, in order to help the family out, took on a paper route delivering 100 evening papers. I asked Mike if he wanted to pick up a route for the Business Record — but apparently we couldn’t compete with U.S. Bank’s compensation package. Said Mike of his route: “Nothing tests your customer service skills better than a broken window at 6 a.m. because the paper sailed high to the right from the toss from the sidewalk.”