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NOTEBOOK: Steve Prohm Dickie V impression is awesome with a capital A, baby!


You might have seen that legendary ESPN college basketball announcer Dick Vitale was in town this week, visiting David Stark’s Blank Children’s Hospital (watch theKCCI video), raising money for cancer research and spreading his youthful energy (and iPads) to those most in need. Vitale was in town because of a relationship with Craig and JoEllen Mettille, who were hosting their 380 Foundation’s sixth annual golf and awards benefit dinner to help raise money for Vitale’s V Foundation for Cancer Research. The 380 Foundation is a nonprofit offshoot of 380 Companies, Mettille’s disaster cleanup firm. Vitale has been a part of all six of the foundation’s annual events. On Wednesday night at the event generously hosted and attended by Dennis Albaugh at his private golf course — Talons of Tuscany — wrestling legend Dan Gable and Iowa State basketball coach Steve Prohm made speeches along with Vitale. Prohm began his speech by saying he grew up as a kid pretending to be Vitale. And he ended his speech, to much applause and laughter, backing it up with a spot-on impression of Vitale that truly was, in the words of Vitale, awesome with a capital A, baby! Something tells me at some point ESPN’s going to make him bust that out on national TV.

A few other fun notes:
– If you haven’t seen Albaugh’s classic car collection at his headquarters, do it. “Collection” is probably an understatement. Mini-museum seems more appropriate.
– Prohm’s speech included a story about working a second job at Blockbuster when he was a grad assistant coach. He recalled changing a light bulb when he overheard a father pull his son aside, point at him up on the ladder and remind his son of the value of getting an education. Yes, persistence was a key theme of the night.
– Gable’s intro video at the event lauding his accomplishments was about 3 minutes long. Prohm’s was maybe a minute. As Gable began his speech he quipped, “Maybe if you win 15 national championships, you’ll get a 3-minute introduction.” My guess is even one would do it.
– Prohm has his team doing some summer reading. They are reading the book “Legacy,” which is about the world’s most successful sporting team, the legendary rugby squad All Blacks of New Zealand. The book provides lessons from the sustained success the All Blacks have had that can be applied to the business world. It centers around one question: “What will your legacy be?” I’ve added it to my reading queue.