Comer to take over public relations for YMCA of Greater Des Moines
Ruth Comer is leaving MidAmerican Energy Co., where she has been media relations manager to the last two years, to take the job of director of media relations and marketing at the YMCA of Greater Des Moines. Her last day at MidAmerican will be Friday and her first day on the job at the YMCA will be Monday. Comer sent an email to Greater Des Moines news media today announcing the change. Debora Blume is director of communications for MidAmerican and Ashton Hockman is the media relations representative. These have been times of change for the YMCA, with the recent appointments of businessman David Schwartz as CEO and former Gov. Chet Culver as president. The organization is trying to close a funding gap for the construction of a 50-meter swimming pool at the Wellmark YMCA in downtown Des Moines.