Branstad has cybersecurity plan, but not online
BPC Staff Aug 8, 2016 | 8:09 pm
1 min read time
123 wordsAll Latest News, Government Policy and Law, Innovation and EntrepreneurshipGov. Terry Branstad released Iowa’s first official cybersecurity plan today. It focuses on energy, transportation, communication and state government operations.
The strategy also offers recommendations for risk assessment, implementation of best practices, training for state employees, public education, collaboration with the private sector and educational institutions, education in technical fields, data breach reporting, and notification requirements.
The plan calls for updates to Iowa’s emergency response plan to specifically deal with the physical consequences of a cyberattack on the state’s infrastructure.
And the cybersecurity plan won’t be hacked, because it isn’t even online yet. The governor’s staff gave hard copies to reporters at a press conference this morning, but said they are still working the final version. That will be available online when completed.