AABP EP Awards 728x90

NOTEBOOK: Osprey sightings in Iowa, Boston


Over the weekend, I was in Boston visiting my son and daughter-in-law, and we started our sightseeing at Plum Island. It’s an absolutely beautiful, dune-dotted nature reserve that I had visited on a nitrate-measuring trip during a science writing fellowship with the Marine Biological Laboratory in 1999.

When we arrived at one point along the waterfront, there was a small herd of photographers excitedly aiming very large lenses at an osprey that was fishing. Others got out the heavy-duty binoculars. Some acted as though this was the sighting of the year.

I was struck at the biological diversity of the area, as I always have been. But I also took time to think about how lucky we are in Iowa to have plenty of osprey, bald eagles, and hawks to amuse those of us who like to bird-watch.